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The Solutions –

Labsals introduced "AC LIMS" software for air condition testing industry with intelligent air condition testing management add-on to customer facing portal and mobile version extension. lt automates all traditional paper, manual and semi-automated tasks associated with the performance of routine air condition testing and maintenance workflows for simple and complex instruments.

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Complete Quality Monitoring –

AC LIMS is a comprehensive web-based air condition testing solution that monitors the air condition testing process every step of the way, recording and logging to meet the quality requirements necessary for accreditation and certification. lt understands the ins and outs of how an air condition testing lab should operate by recording every activity on every job so that your laboratory runs like clockwork. AC LIMS captures the complete business process of an air condition testing lab.

The Process –

lt streamlines the laboratory into six basic processes: receiving, lab, quality assurance, analytics, result, management, all completely traceable and track able. lt also automates many of the other key activities of reporting, documenting, issue logging and communication. Laboratories are able to reduce the administrative overhead surrounding instrument calibrations while increasing their confidence that data integrity will not be compromised by improperly calibrated instrumentation.

Solution Insight –

  • Eliminating paper-based and manual activities from lab operation reducing errors.
  • No skills required. User friendly and very easy to access in minutes.
  • Manage sales order, LSRF, quality assurance, shipment, billing, documentation of air condition testing jobs
  • This gives flexibility for connect accounting system.
  • Full data security, integrity and complete compliance including streamlined auditing process
  • Quick, advanced reports to fit each client's specific needs at the push-of-a-button
  • Automated notifications and scheduling of calibrations for fast complex deliverables
  • Comes with integration of Customer facing portal and Lab Mobile Apps (in tablet version as well)
  • Complete audit trial help to which user has change what in the system.
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LSRF/Work Order

Generate LSRF/Work order from the LISM system, eliminate manual work order creation. Single or Multiple samples add option is available for one customer. Multiple work order option for one LSRF

Work Sheet/Job Card

No manual worksheet and job card. LIMS can print worksheet or job card based on work order data.

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Multi level work order approve

Up to four level approvals for work order for Project Manager, CSO, Technical Manager and Lab HOD. Each approve can approve or reject work order. Each approve will push one step ahead, each reject will push back one step.

Auto Schedule

Auto scheduler allow laboratory to seamlessly schedule technician in just a few clicks with the right lab. Then, the manager simply needs to approve the created schedule, saving hours on each scheduling process. The scheduler tool checks each lab availability and check job priority at the time scheduling. It eliminates manual scheduling process.

Result Upload

No need to enter result manually for Psychometric lab, just upload the result excel of psychometric lab. The complex excel data will be displayed in organized way. The system will keep the relevant data for test. Cooling Capacity, Max Operating, test for Split AC, Window AC and Inverter AC.

Auto Certificate

Don’t need to create certificate manually, just fillip few detail and generate the certificate. Results data will be fetched from uploaded excel to the certificate. No matter whether the test is Cooling Capacity, Max Operating, and test for Split AC, Window AC and Inverter AC, The certificate will print only relevant and needed result data.

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Re-Issue ULR/Certificate

Issued certificate can be editable with Lab Head permission, and certificate can be re-issued with new ULR/Certificate number.

Multi Template

Our AC LIMS Support multi template, You can configure separate template for each test. LIMS has multi certificate configuration option for Cooling Capacity, Max Operating, test for Split AC, Window AC and Inverter AC, Noise Test, Vibration Test, Push & Pull test etc.

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No manual numbering

No manual numbering for Work Order, Lab Service Request, Instrument Number, ULR Number, and Certificate Number. All number formats are configurable and it continues based on the configuration.

Multi level result approve

Up to three level approvals for final certificate for CSO, Technical Manager and Lab HOD. Each approve can approve or reject work order. Each approve will push one step toward report publish, each reject will push back one step.

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Performance Report/Timesheet

Generate performance report of technician. This report helps to understand trend of consume time of tests, which technician is taking less time, who is taking more time to complete the same job.

Lab Calendar

See the lab occupancy based on the schedule job. The calendar shows which lab is free at what date and what shift. It helps to utilize the lab up to 100%

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