Scheduler Service Management Mobile App – “iScheduler”
The mobile application (iScheduler App) will be used to manage high-end scheduling and purpose in simple terms is to manage three key elements.
The first of these elements is the scheduling of deliveries; this allows the STARLAB to have control of when deliveries are received to ensure that work can be efficiently processed. There are some parameter settings around start time, capacity, and slot windows. Once parameters are in place the system builds a schedule which is essentially a list of expected deliveries with appointment times and expected deliverables.
The second element is the Delivery Handling This is a set of functions that are used when a delivery is received, including acceptance/refusal of a delivery, or to accept a delivery where a request has not been made.
The final element is one of reporting. The system will be required to produce various reports surrounding resource performance, such as how well they adhered to the timed appointments they had made, which were schedule to be delivered.